
RAD exams are a regular feature of the school, however they are not compulsory. Although the majority of pupils enjoy the challenge and experience of taking an exam. You can find out more about the RAD exams by clicking here.



Exam for pupils age 5 - 6 years approximately.

A group assessment of up to 8 pupils with guidance of their teacher throughout although each child is marked individually achieving a certificate and award medal if successful.


A more formal exam. Wearing a numbered badge identifies each child.

Again marked individually achieving pass, merit or distinction. Certificates and medals, gold, silver or bronze are awarded depending on the level of success. An extra exam coaching class is usually necessary leading up to the exam to enable pupils to reach the necessary standard.


A more formal exam. Wearing a numbered badge identifies each child.

Again marked individually achieving pass, merit or distinction. Certificates and medals, gold, silver or bronze are awarded depending on the level of success. An extra exam coaching class is usually necessary leading up to the exam to enable pupils to reach the necessary standard.

Tap and Modern also have exams, which form part of the school teaching.

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